Things to Keep in Mind Before Planting a Big Tree in Your Front Yard

Being a proud owner of a home with a front yard is a great feeling which many people can only wish for. Whether it’s for the added curb appeal, to bring more life into the outdoor space, or fill an empty area of your property— planting a large tree can be a great addition to any home. But before grabbing that shovel and heading outside with enthusiasm and ambition, there are some important steps to consider beforehand so that you can reap all advantages from this sweet giant plantation of yours. You don’t want to end up calling a Tree Removal Toronto to redo the job.

After all, large trees require plenty of care and attention to foster healthy growth (not mention avoiding potential issues) — so take time for research! In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from soil amendments and placement tips to recognizing harmful diseases or pests that may affect your tree down the road (eek!). Let’s get started.

The Roots

First off, let’s start with the roots. The worst mistake homeowners make when planting such a big tree is not considering the root lines, which can cause damage to the foundation of your property or even entrap pipes and wires located underneath. To make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s a must that you determine the root line area before planting.

This means you should research what type of tree you would like to plant, its size when fully grown, requirements, and the space it will take. For this purpose, you should also consider the soil type or drainage system of your property so that it can be properly taken care of and avoid planting a tree in an area with poor soil conditions.

Watering & Sunlight

When selecting a spot for your new tree, make sure to take into consideration how much sunlight and water it will receive. Sunlight is one of the most important elements for tree growth, and too little or too much can cause various issues, such as leaf burn or slow growth—so make sure to pick an area with a balanced amount of light exposure.

On the other hand, keep in mind that big trees require more water, which means you’ll need to dedicate time to watering and checking the moisture levels of the soil to avoid any issues with wilting or dehydration.


Fertilization & Pruning

Regular fertilization is an essential requirement for large tree growth—this will provide your tree with the extra nutrients it needs in order to thrive. As for pruning, avoid overdoing it and maintain a natural look—otherwise, it can cause shock in the tree, which results in poor growth or even death. Lastly, inspect your tree regularly for any potential signs of harm, such as pests, diseases, or strange color changes on leaves and branches.

Location, Location, Location

The ultimate bummer when it comes to planting a large tree is having to relocate it or, worse—having to get rid of it—so keep in mind all the above-mentioned tips and information before selecting a spot for your new tree. Remember, some trees take as long as 20 years to reach their full size, so pick an area that can provide enough space for its growth and won’t need to be relocated in the future.

Aside from all of these, you also need to remember the seasonal changes and how they will affect the tree. Wintertime can be particularly harmful for large trees, so you should provide extra protection during those periods to ensure your sweet goliath won’t suffer from cold temperatures or strong winds. But that’s something we’ll talk about in another post. As for now, these things should help you get a better understanding of how to plant and take care of large trees.